Type alias MoreInfoRightPanelOptions

MoreInfoRightPanelOptions: DialogueOptions & ExpandPanelOptions & {
    canvasDisplayOrder: string;
    canvasExclude: string;
    copyToClipboardEnabled: boolean;
    limitToRange: boolean;
    manifestDisplayOrder: string;
    manifestExclude: string;
    rtlLanguageCodes: string;
    showAllLanguages: boolean;
    textLimit: number;
    textLimitType: string;

Type declaration

  • canvasDisplayOrder: string

    Order in which canvases are displayed

  • canvasExclude: string

    Canvases to exclude from display

  • copyToClipboardEnabled: boolean

    Determines if copying to clipboard is enabled

  • limitToRange: boolean

    Determines if download is enabled

  • manifestDisplayOrder: string

    Order in which manifests are displayed

  • manifestExclude: string

    Manifests to exclude from display

  • rtlLanguageCodes: string

    Language codes for right-to-left languages

  • showAllLanguages: boolean

    Determines if all languages should be shown

  • textLimit: number

    Limit for the text

  • textLimitType: string

    Type of the text limit

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